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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

Lecture: From the cave of the drawer

Tegnetriennalen 2019
Friday 06.12.19

Welcome to this free lunch lecture during The Drawing Triennial 2019 at Kunstnernes Hus Kino!

Drawings can be recognized by all people. The "world's oldest drawing" found in the Blombos Cave in South Africa in 2018 has been an important inspiration for The Drawing Triennial 2019. A stone with nine ocher color lines, made by a human about 73,000 years ago. The excavations in the Blombos cave are conducted by the SFF Center for Early Sapiens Behavior (SapienCE) at the University of Bergen. Turid Hillestad Nel and Silje Evjenth Bentsen are both researchers (postdoctoral fellows) at SapienCE, and come to The Drawing Triennial and Kunstnernes Hus to talk about the excavations in Blombos Cave, early modern humans and the work of understanding 73,000 year old symbols.

Om foredraget

Foredraget er del av Tegnetriennalens utvidede program «Før og etter streken» som åpner opp for en større refleksjon rundt tegningen som allmennmenneskelig uttrykksform og som verktøy for å forstå verden og oss selv.

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