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Education program

KH JH workshop 6680

Through our education program, we reach a wide range of children and facilitate interdisciplinary art experiences. Kunstnernes Hus collaborates closely with many schools in Oslo and Bærum, and adapts the offer to children in kindergarten and school classes up to upper secondary school, as well as art students. We aim to invite our young public to experience, analyze, and engage with art, artists and their practice.

School classes

We offer free tours and workshops for all ages from kindergarten and primary schools to upper secondary schools. The tours are based on dialogue and founded on the principles of a philosophical conversation adapted for each individual group. If you have any particular wishes as regards the content, we can help with this.

Visit our booking system or contact us by e-mail to book a tour:

Booking system,

E-mail: formidling@kunstnerneshus.no

KH JH workshop 6436

Art schools

Free tours for all art schools! Our exhibitions are used by many people as part of teaching. The tours are given by established artists or art historians with a good understanding of relevant and specialist topics.

Contact us by e-mail to book a tour:


Kunstnerneshus Jan Khur Tour 9477


After school tours or family tours on Sundays, we hold workshops for children at Atelier Felix. Visual artist Annika Simonsson presents the theme of the exhibition and children are able to explore the materials, tools and techniques used by the featured artist. The children have the opportunity to be creative and present what they have made in an exhibition of their own.

We also arrange workshops for school pupils during the school holidays.

Kunstnernes Hus Jan Khur Felix 9376