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Exhibition by graduate students in Clothing and costume design
25.04.24 – 28.04.24
Bilde deliverables

Welcome to this group exhibition at the Academy Room by graduate students in Clothing and costume design. Responsible teachers: Ida Falck Øien, Fredrik Floen.

Opening: Thursday 25 April at 19:00

About the exhibition

A platform for explorative approaches to clothing and costume design practices by way of live formats: making and sharing through movement, text, film, food, stitching, conversations, and participation.

Performance series by clothing and costume bachelor and master graduation students.


Thursday 25.04.24 | 19:00–21:00

Opening ceremony


Pål Mikael Madsen Sterk-Hansen

Lieu Thi Le

Vilde Marie Birkeland

Friday 26.04.24 | 13:00–17:00

Ongoing work:

Annikken Wilhelmsen

Lieu Thi Le

Saturday 27.04.24 | 14:30–17:00


Vilde Espeland Brattekås

Pål Mikael Madsen Sterk-Hansen

Sandra Holdal Hansen

Sunday 28.04.24 | 14:00–17:00


Yuzhuo Zola Wang

Fanny Bjørn

Lieu Thi Le

Sara Molly Elise Larsson

Magdalena Mikalsen

Ida monthly poster April
Monthly poster April A3 template khio quarterly

See also