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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 11-22)

Dårlig tid (litt krem)

Exhibition by Anja Hallek & Sara Marie Hødnebø
Darlig tid sarahodnebo anjahallek

“Dårlig tid” seems to be the sign of our time – meaning being pressed for time, but also, a bad time. A flood of information unfolding at your fingertip. The constant caress of clear, hard, cold surfaces. Through installation and sculpture we ask: Where is the grit, the grip, some pores, an opening?

The exhibition is part of KHiO QuARTerly a public program at Akademirommet at Kunstnernes Hus hosted by the three visual departments at Oslo National Academy of Arts (KHiO) — Art & Craft, Design and the Academy of Fine Art.

Image above: Courtesy of the artists

Main poster template A3 khio quarterly v2 2025 01

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