Kjell Varvin
04.03.17 – 30.04.17

Kjell Varvin (b. 1939) has been composing his spatial and geometric installations since the 1990s. In March and April 2017, the artist will occupy both skylight halls at Kunstnernes Hus with the exhibition Free Geometry: Unstable Variables.
About the exhibition
Distinctive for Varvin's work, it instability and imperfection, and the fact that all works are made with clear traces of the artist's hand. Hence the title Free Geometry - Unstable variables, which hints at a geometric design language without other rules than those of the artist, and at the exhibition's changing and experimental character.
The sculptures can be viewed as three-dimensional drawings that free themselves from the surface and extend into space. Varvin's musical and fluctuating art is compared to everything from Bach's fugues to improvised jazz. The result is a truly explosive production in an abstract and geometric design language.
Every day throughout the exhibition period, Varvin will compose new sculptures in selected parts of the halls.
Varvin uses industrial surplus material, welds steel rods and paints records. He designs new sculptures every day and photographs them. The photographs are posted on Facebook and his own blog continuously. He then deconstructs the installations and creates new ones.

Varvin's starting point are drawings. Ever since the 1960's, he has consistently examined a line's possibilities and limitations. The installations can be described as three-dimensional drawings that free themselves from the surface and assume a spatial character. Air, space and viewers themselves become active components in the works, which change character according to where one is in relation to them.
The sculptures, drawings, etchings and paintings have a distinctive distorted geometry - and function both as individual works and integrated parts in the installations. The changing character of the works is enhanced by Varvin's working method, he builds up and takes apart, so that the works of art constantly balance between construction and collapse, order and chaos, analysis and intuition.
About the artist
Kjell Varvin (b. 1939) lives and works in Høvik outside of Oslo. He was educated in Oslo, Paris, Seville and Barcelona. He has exhibited regularly since the 1960s, performed a number of decoration assignments and has been purchased by, among others, the National Museum and the North Norwegian Art Museum.
The exhibition is a collaboration with Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum (NNKM) and was presented in Tromsø in the spring of 2016 with a larger selection of Varvin's works from the 1970s until today. Kunstnernes Hus and NKM have in collaboration with Teknisk Industri produced a book that was published in the spring of 2017.