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Closed today (Restaurant closed)
Debatt Oslo BIENNALEN KH Julie Hrncirova Oslobiennalen 7158

What now, Oslobiennalen?

Debate in Norwegian
Wednesday 17.06.20

Since Oslobiennalen published its first annual apport, debates around it have been heated. Questions about budget exceedance, international travel and press invitations, visibility in the city and willingness to cooperate. About little distance between granting authorities and artistic leadership. Both at the artist and the institutional level, the art field reacted strongly.

Kunstnernes Hus has a long history as a scene of cultural political debate. We therefore invite everyone interested to join us in debating Oslobiennalen's way forward.

Click on the picture above to watch the debate.


Stein Slyngstad (director of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, city of Oslo),

Ole Slyngstadli (general manager of Oslobiennalen),

Ruben Steinum (chairman at NBK),

Lotte Konow Lund (artist),

Anne Hilde Neset (director at Kunstnernes Hus),

Ruth Hege Halstensen (director at Trafo Kunsthall, former Norsk kulturråd and Kulturetaten).

Chairman: Veslemøy Østrem

Practical information

The debate will be streamed live for those who cannot be accommodated. The conversation will last a maximum of two hours, and there will be some time for questions from the audience. We have an open microphone at the start of the debate, with maximum 3 minutes per input. If you're interested in contributing, please send an e-mail to: hanne@kunstnerneshus.no

See also