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Explore the MFA Degree Show 2024 together with three of the artists themselves: Ghazaal Nasiri, Madelon Verbeek and Ane Barstad Solvang.
This spring, the graduating students of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts present their master's projects in the skylight halls.
With works by: Abirami Logendran, Adin Music, Ane Barstad Solvang, Anne-Marte Før, Edvard Skodvin, Eili Bråstad, Ghazaal Nasiri, Iben Erik Bødker-Næss, Kim Henning Andreassen, Lea Stuedahl, Madelon Verbeek, Paulina Stroynowska, Sampson Addae, Santiago Díaz Escamilla, Steinar Brovold Hauge and Wenche Sandra M. Disington.