Tour, artist meeting & whittling workshop with Plot/Oslo
Plot invites you to a packed program in Jannik Abel's critically acclaimed exhibition Back to the Land. This evening, our mediator Mari Meen Halsøy takes Plot into the exhibition halls for a tour of the exhibition Back to the Land. After the tour, you will meet the artist and hear her personal thoughts behind this extensive art project, before we move on to our studio. There we arrange a crash course in whittling under the guidance of Mari. Plot offers pizza after the event.
For anyone between the ages of 18 and 25.
As usual, Plot events are free. If you are not a member, you can sign up for membership when you come to Kunstnernes Hus. There you will meet our Plot hosts at the reception.
17:00-17:30 Tour of the exhibition
17:30-18:15 Plot meets Jannik Abel to talk about art and life
18:30-20:30 Whittling workshop and pizza
About the exhibition
It was after a visit to India and the sight of a mountain of rubbish in New Dehli that Jannik Abel changed her artistic practice to a limited material; everything that is used is gathered in the forest, shaped with a saw, knife and axe, and has the opportunity to become soil over time. Back to the Land has been developed in its entirety over the past year and within the context of several worldwide crisis situations.
Click to learn more about the exhibition
Click to learn more about Plot/Oslo