Hvis du forblir uutslettelig
19.05.23 – 28.05.23

Hvis du forblir uutslettelig by Makda Embaie and Hamid Waheed is an exhibition about different forms of gathering, retrospects and challenging certain narratives in society. Visitors can also read a selection of books in the space, provided via a branch of the activist library ASSATA, in a section designed by artist Jelsen Lee Innocent. This is the second of four duo-shows by the FKDS studio holders at Kunstnernes Hus.
About the exhibition
Makda works with the notion that the archive is not exclusive to the museum, but also exists in a number of other places. Perhaps the home, then, is the most voluminous archive? The home tells about how we design and shape our everyday lives. Koppars geografi is a two-channel sound and video installation that delves into this.
Hamid's work often relates to various image archives with a poetic point of view. In this case, he deals with the shooting at London Pub 25.06 2022 and what critical meanings are to be found in relation to queer aesthetics. Røde manøvre consists of a film loop and graphic installations.
The artists are also collaborating with the activist library ASSATA on a temporary branch in the space, where a curated selection of books is available for the public to read during the exhibition's opening hours. The design is created by the artist Jelsen Lee Innocent.
About the artists
The nation state, language, colonialism and family are central concepts Makda Embaie (b.1994) explores by taking a closer look at the specific properties of language and objects through film, photo, sound and spatial installations. She is educated at Konstfack, Biskop Arnö Författarskola and Oslo National Academy of Arts.
Hamid Waheed (b.1995) is a filmmaker and visual artist utilizing moving images, writing and performing. His work often emphasizes characterization, dramaturgy and queer desires as methods of investigating psycho-social structures, ruminating on time, intimacies and violence. He is also interested in histories and the materialities of archived data.
Learn more about the artist studio program at Kunstnernes Hus