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Closed today (Restaurant 12-19)

Maia Urstad

Do You Hear That Whistling Sound?
20190114 Festspillkollektivet Radio 014

In the summer of 2024, we have the pleasure of presenting solo exhibitions by two generations of artists who work with sound as a starting point: Maia Urstad and Pearla Pigao.

About the exhibition

Maia Urstad (born in 1954, Bergen) works at the intersection of sound art and visual art and has been a central figure in the field of sound art in Norway for many years. Urstad's scope extends worldwide, as she collects and processes sounds from a wide range of sources: taxi radios in Buenos Aires, calls to prayer in Ramallah, street protests in Santiago de Chile, wind on the western islands, and the Oslo tram. Through site-specific art projects, radio installations, and other sound works, she sends signals out into the world, drawing lines both backward in history and forward in time.

For Kunstnernes Hus, the artist will create a monumental sound installation with over a hundred speakers. The installation is based on our urban sound landscape, where electronic warning sounds and information from voices over speakers in public spaces play a significant role. The work provides an auditory cross-section of the invisible communication taking place in the different layers of our radio spectrum, from below the surface of the sea, through ground level and our daily surroundings, to far up in the universe. The exhibition reflects on technological development and the auditory traces and stories we leave behind.

Maia Urstad Syros sonud resiceny Photo Eva Matsigkou
Maia Urstad. Photo: Eva Matsigkou.

See also