Friday 29.04.22
"Stalactites" is the name of the musical performance that will take place as part of the work "Stalactites Stalagmites" by Zirenia.
Stalactites is a musical performance from LivMor, a project Zirenia holds with artist Coline Delozanne. Stalactites will take us into the depths of the earth, the insides of the mountains, spaces of fire and truth. Where one can find the elder, rhythm and music of a soul.
Cirenia Escobedo Esquivel a.k.a Zirenia is a multimedia artist, filmmaker (she/her/them). Born and raised in Abya Yala, their creative practice is motivated by a will to learn and share in collectivity and intimacy processes to stop and listen. She arranges spaces for dialogue, from her nomad project Otro Mundo Oslo where they cook in collectivity, to her music practice with Son Jarocho, their participation at Verdensrommet and interactive installations. In their quest to bring to the surface feelings that rest underneath all the information and violent histories of our ancestors; word, music, tenderness, water, earth and its powerful flora and fauna are her allies and revolution.