The Sun Oozed Out of its Circle and Filled the Sky
Tuesday 29.11.22

Nordland College of Art and Film, UiT presents The Sun Oozed Out of its Circle and Filled the Sky, Part 2 – a screening organized in extension of this year’s graduation show of the bachelor of moving images.
The evening consists of three short film programs, a performance and the Oslo-launch of the graduation publication The Moon Doesn't Speak Any of
Our Languages.
About the event
The graduation show The Sun Oozed Out of its Circle and Filled the Sky took place
in Kabelvåg June 9-12 2022, and presented video installations and performance in a
fusion of a film festival and art exhibition, in the buildings constituting Kabelvåg’s
former primary school. In part 2 at Kunstnernes Hus Kino we move these graduation
projects into the cinema space.
The Moon Doesn't Speak Any of Our Languages is a riso-printed publication with contributions from all the graduate students, as well as external contributions from artists Anna Naumann, Even Bie Larsen and Ina Hagen. The publication is designed by Louis Kocmick, edited by Ina Hagen and printed by Hverdag Books. The publication will be available for sale in the lobby at Kunstnernes Hus during the event.
Arjun Acharya Ali Jabaly
Rebekka Christophersen
Emil Engesnes Bråthen
Gustav O. Gunvaldsen
Eili Bråstad Johannessen
David Bohl & Iva Trømborg
Emilie Vibeke Aagesen
Amalie Magdalena With Vedelsby
Oscar Gränse
18:00 Welcome
Program 1:
Eili Bråstad Johannessen, Samme Her Amalie Magdalena With Vedelsby, Kvintcirkel Emilie Aagesen, Blå Time
18:50 Break
19:00 Program 2:
Ali Jabaly, A Statement of Resistance Rebekka Christophersen, Gracie Square David Bohl & Iva Trømborg, Big Other Oscar Gränse, Synthroposofi
20:00 Break
20:10 Program 3:
Gustav O. Gunvaldsen, En Skuespillers Arbeid Med Seg Selv
Arjun Acharya, Severed
Emil Engesnes Bråthen, Vold
21:15 Afterword