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Lotte Konow Lund and Sayed Sattar Hasan present Ahmed Umar

Saturday 25.03.23
KVK Lund Hasan 2

Welcome to a new edition of the guided tour series Artists presenting artists, where invited artists talk about current exhibitions from their personal and artistic point of view. In this edition Lotte Konow Lund and Sayed Sattar Hasan are presenting Ahmed Umar's exhibition Glowing Phalanges.


Sayed Sattar Hasan (b. 1979, UK) has lived and worked in Oslo since 2018 and has an MA from Goldsmiths, London (2009). His work is mostly works process-based. His current approach can be described as post-pop and conceptual craftsmanship and explores themes such as belonging, nationalism and identity, often based on his own biography and with a humorous edge. He has exhibited at the National Museum, North Norwegian Museum of Art, Intercultural Museum, Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum and Bomuldfabrikken. In the period 2019-22, he managed one of the artist studios in Oslo City Hall.

Lotte Konow Lund is a visual artist and professor at KhiO. She has published the books Dagbøkene 2024-2016 (Teknisk Industri 2016) and Om Kunst: 25 kunstnersamtaler (Forlaget October 2021), Konow Lund programmed and led the seminar series Agenda Arts and crafts, a collaboration between KhiO and the department of arts and crafts and Kunstnernes Hus 2017 -2021.

See also