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Thank you for this year! The house is closed from December 23 through January 1
Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

Oslo Culture Night with Blikkåpner Oslo

Friday 13.09.24

For young people aged 16-19. Join Blikkåpner Oslo for visits to the Astrup Fearnley Museum and Kunstnernes Hus. You get to see lots of art, take part in a workshop and eat pizza - and it's all free! Check Instagram @blikkapneroslo for info and registration.

Free tours during Oslo Culture Night

Høstutstillingen (The Autumn Exhibition) invites you to join a free tour during the evening. The tours take place at 7 pm and 9 pm. Attendance is at the reception.

Høstutstillingen is organized by NNorske billedkunstnere (NBK) and takes place annually at Kunstnernes Hus.

See also