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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

Sustainable bookbinding workshop

With artist Tina Kryhlmann
Sunday 11.06.23
Bokbinding tina kryhlmann

Where does the paper in the books come from? What does 100% recycled paper mean? In this course, through knowledge of the craft, the processes and the use of resources behind the production of books, you will be able to develop a new and richer relationship with the book as an object. The course requires no prior knowledge and is suitable for anyone who wants to learn a bookbinding technique.

About the workshop

In this course, we will create a book using a traditional but simplified Coptic bookbinding method that you can continue to work on on your own after completing the course, for example by reusing paper packaging. An important principle for the course is reuse. We use residual materials from printing and recycled paper and avoid expensive special equipment. Tina will introduce the art book as a format, but which type of book you make is up to you. It can be anything from a notebook to a book that you want to fill with pictures or drawings. Creating your own books can be both time-consuming and satisfying. Do you have a book idea that you want to realize? Being able to put together a prototype can, for example, be useful knowledge to form an understanding of how a book project will turn out as an object, both visually and physically. The course requires no prior knowledge and is suitable for anyone who wants to learn a bookbinding technique.

About the instructor

Tina Kryhlmann (1986) works project-based based on empathy for the surroundings and the processes that the materials are part of. Working so that she does not cause damage to the surroundings is a limitation that Kryhlmann uses as her artistic method - this is about exploring the way people can live and create in the ecological crisis the world is in. It is the processes of nature and the history of materials, evolutionary and cultural, that are the subject of her investigations and of how she herself can interact with her surroundings. With the help of bodily experiences, field studies and theoretical background information, in addition to her independent and purely visual works, she also creates poetic textual material which she presents in books and cinematic projects.

Tina Kryhlmann has an MFA from Konsthögskolan in Malmö (2017). Among other things, she has exhibited at Høstutstillingen, Galleri BOA, the art gallery Kohta (Helsinki) and Sydhavn Station (Copenhagen) and was most recently involved in facilitating the group exhibition Stedets tyranni, linked to the theme of artistic work in the ecological crisis.

Tina kryhlmann i atelieret

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