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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 11-22)

Nina Strand in conversation with Ashik Zaman

a Criticism Review
Friday 26.11.21
Ashik objektiv

Join us for a conversation between Nina Strand and Ashik Zaman whom together with Koshik Zaman and Azmi Kashem has founded and run the Swedish online magazine C-print.

During the pandemic, Objektiv initiated a series for its online journal called Visual Wanderings. Photographers from all over the world were invited to create art that responded to our new situation: what did the lock-down mean for their work? Now, we want to hear from the writers and the critics.

Objektiv Editions opens at 4 pm, the conversation takes place at 5 pm.

About the project

Objective Editions is a publishing and project room with a focus on camera-based art, run by artist and editor Nina Strand. Throughout 2021, the temporary project space will present books and conversations, show video works and sell photographic editions.

About the event

During the pandemic, Objektiv initiated a series for its online journal called Visual Wanderings. Photographers from all over the world were invited to create art that responded to our new situation: what did the lock-down mean for their work? Now, we want to hear from the writers and the critics. More and more journals have closed or moved online in the past years and are commissioning fewer texts. In spite of the fact that the art scene is flourishing, many exhibitions go by almost unnoticed because of a lack of resources. However, the involuntary pause experienced by the art scene over the past eighteen months, and its reopening, have presented an opportunity to reflect on how we can make changes within the writing community, carving out new ideas about how to work and be published.

For our third instalment for Objektiv Editions at Kunstnernes Hus, we have invited different writers to contribute to this short manifesto consisting of texts on this subject. For the presentation A Criticism Review at our temporary space we are looking closer at writers, publishers and publications that produce essays on the medium. Through conversations we wish to promote all initiatives and hopefully inspire more newspaper and media to offer more room for texts on photography. We are exhibiting different publications and conversations on photography and reviews, and our new poster is by Ola Rindal, an image we used for a review of his book Night Light in a previous issue.

See also