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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 11-22)

What we talk about when we talk about the war

by Birgitte Sigmundstad
Sunday 05.12.21
Still 1

What we talk about when we talk about the war follows class 9A at Skullerud junior high school as they learn about the rise of Nazism, Quisling's coup, the Nazis' systematic murder of the Jewish population, and the Norwegian resistance movement to the German occupation. The enthusiastic history teacher uses film and joint discussions to arouse interest in Norwegian war history in a new generation. We join the students' social studies classes and get close to their experience of the Second World War's history and the different ways the war is relevant to the present.

Om filmen

Hva vi snakker om når vi snakker om krigen følger klasse 9A på Skullerud ungdomsskole i det de lærer om nazismens fremmarsj, Quislings statskupp, nazistenes systematiske drap på jødene, samt norsk motstand mot den tyske okkupasjonen. Den entusiastiske historielæreren benytter film og fellesdiskusjoner til å vekke interessen for norsk krigshistorie i en ny generasjon. Gjennom filmen trer vi inn i elevenes samfunnsfagsundervisning og kommer tett på deres opplevelse av krigshistorien og ulike måter krigen er relevant for samtiden.

About the filmmaker

Birgitte Sigmundstad (b. 1969) lives in Oslo and works mainly with moving pictures. She is a graduate of the Surrey Institute of Art & Design in England. Sigmundstad's films have an essayistic feel and often deal with art, art history or historical events. Previous films include A Good Motive (2012), The Letter to the Minister of Culture (2013), Odel (2016) and Hammersborg Protecting the Bygone Future (2017).

About the introductory short film


Marthasykkeltiurbil (2021, 5 min) is a black and white silent film accompanied by a four-handed composition for church organ. One morning, Martha bikes to work from the cabin she lives in. As she cycles down the steep slopes towards town, a cabin tourist drives past her on the narrow gravel road. A capercaillie gets startled and flies into her front wheel.

Visual artist Lars Monrad Vaage works mainly with painting, drawing and film. A recurring motive in his works is the defiance of the seemingly invincible forces we are limited by.

See also