Family Cinema: Sánit and Den store babyen
Sunday 13.09.20

This program especially curated for babies, children and parents shows a separate version of Mariken Halles new film We are here now (2020). In Den store babyen (The big baby), we follow Karl, a baby who has parents who argue a lot. He joins a maternity group and meets other babies and adults who play with him and look after him.
Before the film, we show a selection of Ann Holmgren's surrealistic word films from her series called Sánit. The films are made for the same target group and revolve around Sami visual motifs. Sánit means "the words", and here the children learn the most important words through means of colour, imagination and music, all in a Sami palette! The films are shown in Sami.
The screening on Wednesday, September 9 at 12 pm is suitable for babies, while the second screening on Sunday, September 13 at 1 pm is suited for families with children of preschool age. Here the 'big baby' (Niklas Gundersen) will be joining us. The directors Mariken Halle and Ann Holmgren will be present at both shows. Each program lasts a little over an hour. There is space for strollers outside the cinema.
About Sánit
There are a multitude of films teaching small children the primary words available, but none of them are in Sami language. Because of this, Ann Holmgren wanted to make a series for her own sons and, at the same time, to all Sami children. In eight sweet and surreal films for all ages, children get to know the words with the help of imagination, colour, rhythm, music, beauty and humour. They also get this presented in a world where they can recognize things and clothes from their own culture.
About Den store babyen
We are here now by Norwegian filmmaker Mariken Halle (b. 1980) is a feature film in which we follow a group of babies and their parents that meet regularly for lunch. With the children on their arms, the young parents discuss everything from everyday issues - what can the children eat and what not? - to global politics and sharing future plans and concerns.
Den store babyen features many of the same scenes as We are here now, albeit remains closer to the babies than the parents. We follow Karl, a baby whose parents fight a lot. He joins a maternity group and meets other babies and adults who play with him and look after him. Karl is being played by an adult man!
The film is suitable for children between 0-6 years.