Den grønne dalen and Hoggeren

As an extension of the evening Filmmaker meets Filmmaker with Jorunn Myklebust Syversen and Ellen Ugelstad on Sunday January 20th at 18:00, we show the new short film Den grønne dalen (Ugelstad, 2018) and Hoggeren (Myklebust Syversen, 2017), which premiered at Kunstnernes Hus Kino in 2017.
About the films
Den grønne dalen (Ellen Ugelstad, 2018, 24 min, Norwegian)
The green valley is a portrait of a neighbourhood that is inspired by three actual events from the Torshov valley in Oslo. The film explores the connection between a man who lit himself up, the installation of a seven-meter-high bronze sculpture entitled No Name and a nanny's annual summer ending. An examination of the relationship between art, politics and everyday life.
Hoggeren (Jorunn Myklebust Syversen, 2017, 82 min, Norwegian)
Anders (Anders Baasmo Christiansen) grew up in Rukkedalen with a strong willingness to get out. He would go out into the world and never look back. But after twenty years in Oslo, life is still not working out. With a sense of having lost everything that matters, he returns to his hometown and moves into the small farm he inherited from his parents. Hoggeren is a dark, humorous and sore depiction of Anders' attempt to reset his life with his quest into nature and physical work.