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Open today 11-19 (Restaurant 11-22)


By Pier Paolo Pasolini
Sunday 03.04.22

Accattone was Pier Paolo Pasolini.'s debut movie. Despite being filmed from an original screenplay, Accattone is often perceived as a cinematic rendition of Pasolini's earlier novels, particularly The Ragazzi and Violent Life.

In Accattone we see what would later be seen as trademark Pasolini characteristics; a cast of non-professional actors hailing from where the movie is set, and thematic emphasis on impoverished individuals. Pasolini had reviously collaborated with Federico Fellini on Le notti di Cabiria and considered cinema to be writing with reality.

About the film

Vittorio, nicknamed "Accattone" (meaning 'beggar' in Italian), leads a mostly serene life as a pimp until his prostitute, Maddalena, is sent to prison. Finding himself without either a steady income or much inclination for working himself, her encounters the naive Stella and tries to lure her into prostituting herself for him.

See also