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A statement from art institutions of the Nordic countries

We at Kunstnernes Hus condemn the horrific loss of civilian lives in Palestine and Israel and recent escalations, genocidal acts and war crimes in Gaza.

Skjermbilde 2023 10 19 kl 14 33 34

Poster from Kunstnernes Hus and PLO's group exhibition with Palestinian artists 07.11.81 – 29.11.81

We at Kunstnernes Hus condemn the horrific loss of civilian lives in Palestine and Israel and recent escalations, genocidal acts and war crimes in Gaza. We stand with the Palestinian community in the occupied territories and around the world, who have experienced dehumanising language and actions for decades. We condemn violence and apartheid in all its forms and support the right for everyone to live outside conditions of occupation, persecution and oppression.

We also stand in solidarity with our colleagues in institutions in many national contexts whose efforts for presentation, discussion, education, support and protest have met censorship, repression and the withdrawal of funding.

We demand that Norwegian authorities, the current government and the prime minister denounce current attacks and war crimes in Gaza.

In this spirit of solidarity, we share some organisations and initiatives–several of which exist under threat–to support and follow for information and resources:



Additional Resources: