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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 11-22)

Tuda Muda

2025 Tuda Muda BLINK Foto Tor Ulstein Kunstdok Web Res 8

The film installation BLINK by Trondheim-based artist, Tuda Muda, moves between public and private spaces, seeing and being looked at, fact and fantasy, powerlessness and power.

About the exhibition

A large charcoal drawing in the gallery comes to life through a projection of a short film that combines drawn animations with footage shot in India – a context in which violence against women has been both widespread and a rallying cause for feminist advocacy. The film is told from the embodied perspective of a young woman who encounters sexual harassment in public and imagines flipping the script, thus reversing the gendered power asymmetries that continue to pervade domestic, public and as well as digital spheres.

The installation includes drawings by the artist that served as a basis for the film’s animations.

About the artist

Tuda Muda / Samrridhi Kukreja (b. 1991, Delhi, India) lives and works in Trondheim, Norway. She works primarily with drawing, video, and installation, and is known for her intricate drawings that combine depictions of the female body with the embodied perspective of inhabiting it. She received her BFA in Printmaking at the College of Fine Arts, Delhi University and a MA in Fine Arts from The Art Academy, Trondheim, NTNU, Norway.

Among others, Tuda Muda has exhibited at KODE (Bergen, Norway) Kunsthall Trondheim and Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst (Trondheim, Norway), Emanuele Catellani Contemporary (Chieri, Italy), Rajiv Menon Contemporary (Los Angeles, USA), The National Museum and STANDARD (OSLO) (Oslo, Norway). Her works are held in the collections of Norway's National Museum.

01 Tuda Muda Photo credit Kristoffer Wittrup
Tuda Muda by Kristoffer Wittrup

Curated by

Sarah Lookofsky

Supported by

BLINK is supported by Kulturdirektoratet and The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists.

The exhibition is part of the Undergrowth series (Underskogen), which focuses on young artists. Undergrowth refers both to the age of the artists and to the artist-driven scene that the initiative aims to connect with, as well as to the fundamental principles of sustainability underpinning the project. The series is supported by the Bergesen Foundation and Talent Norway.

See also