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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

Statens 130. Kunstutstilling

16.09.17 – 15.10.17

The legendary Høstutstillingen opened its doors for the first time in 1882. It is a unique opportunity to see what is happening among today's contemporary artists and discover talented new artists.

Høstutstillingen is Norway's oldest artist-run arena for contemporary art, and was first organized in 1882. It is the origin of the artists' trade association in Norway, today Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK). As an annual national art gathering, the exhibition has been supported by the state since 1884, but run by the artists themselves according to the principle of peer review. NBK organizes Høstutstillingen as a juried exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus - where it has had a permanent residence since it opened in 1930.

See Høstutstillingen's own website and program for the exhibition period:


Public tours

Thursday 21. september 17.00
Wednesday 27. september 17.00
Thursday 5. October 17.00
Thursday 12. October 17.00
Every Sunday 13.00

See also