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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

Statens 127. Kunstutstilling

13.09.14 – 12.10.14
Hostutstillingen 2014

Høstutstillingen is shown every year at Kunstnernes Hus, but is organized by Norske Billedkunstnere. All Norwegian and foreign artists who live and work in Norway can apply for participation. There is no requirement for the participants to be members of the artists' organisations. For deceased Norwegian artists, heirs can apply for participation in the first year after the artist's death. One can apply with all techniques. All works are assessed by The National Jury (DNJ). DNJ has the jurying of the National Art Exhibition as its most important area of work and has the artistic responsibility for the exhibition. DNJ is elected for two years through primary voting among NBK's members and works interdisciplinary. The jury's artistic decisions must not be justified and cannot be reviewed. The exhibition is judged in two rounds. 1. jurying takes place on the basis of digital documentation. During the 2nd judging, original works are assessed.

See Høstutstillingen's own website:


Video program

Saturday 25. October, 12.30-22.00 and Sunday 26. October, 12.30-19.00

Svein Møxvold
b. 1947
20’30 min

Leander Djønne
b. 1981
Petroglyphs of the indebted man
22’10 min

Heidi Sundby
b. 1965
Barnet med det rare i
28 min

Julie Engaas
b. 1968
Det var ikke jeg, det var fiskmåsen
12’10 min

Aleksander Johan Andreassen
b. 1982
stille dag
7’50 min

Karin Eklund og Madelen Rensmo
b. 1985 / b. 1988
Let There be Light
20 min

See also