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Closed today (Restaurant closed)

Shilpa Gupta / Toril Johannessen

24.04.14 – 01.06.14
2014 Foaje Gupta Og Johannessen Dsc 4424

Kunstnernes Hus is pleased to introduce a new sponsorship in collaboration with Advokatfirma DLA Piper. The sponsorship marks Kunstnernes Hus and DLA Piper's aim to show art in the form of exhibitions and projects in the Foyer.

This spring, sculptures by Torill Johannessen (b. 1978, lives and works in Bergen) and Shilpa Gupta (b. 1976, lives and works in Mumbai) are shown. The works, which are exhibited in the Kunstnernes Hus' new exhibition arena, in different ways tackle notions of time in public space.

Johannessen's station clock is controlled by a computer that continuously retrieves information about internet traffic. The speed of the pointers is thus determined by the global web activity, an activity that is created by humans and which defies the consistent division of time into global time zones.

Shilpa Gupta's electronic display presents a poetic narrative in constant dissolution and change where hours, days and years change and coincide in a time journey that never ends.

2014 Foaje Gupta Og Johannessen Dsc 4425
2014 Foaje Gupta Og Johannessen Torill Johannessen 4074 Hdr Edited
2014 Foaje Gupta Og Johannessen Dsc 4417 Edited
2014 Foaje Gupta Og Johannessen Dsc 4410
2014 Foaje Gupta Og Johannessen Dsc 4426

See also