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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

How To Be a Straight Line (Transition Edition, vol. 2)

Presentation and workshop with Ollie S. Hermansson
Wednesday 10.05.23
Bilde1 Ollie Hermansson

The art club Plot / OSLO invites you to a presentation and workshop by Ollie S. Hermansson, one of the participants in this years graduation show: Free Education for All. For anyone between 18-25 years. Remember to sign up.

About the event

Ollie S. Hermansson will present parts of their performative art practice, and after, the
participants will be invited to take part in the following workshop:

Participants are invited to go with the artist to Slottsparken. The artist will share some
whittling knives, blankets, and coffee/tea. Everyone is invited to pick up a stick for
themselves. Together, the artist and participants will share stories and experiences while
whittling sticks.

About the artist

Ollie Hermansson (b. 1991, Aarhus, DK) is an interdisciplinary and performance artist, that expresses themselves with body, voice, text, drawings, and tactile gestures. Ollie includes stories from their own life and is interested in creating intimate spaces that can hold a queer experience. Often the audience is involved in their performances.


Plot/Oslo er en gratis kunstklubb for personer mellom 18 og 25 år, og er drevet av Astrup Fearnley Museet, Kunstnernes Hus og Nasjonalmuseet. Klubbens visjon er å skape et miljø for kunstinteresserte unge, og har hovedfokus på formidling av samtidskunst. Plot/Oslo tilbyr månedlige kunstarrangementer, helt gratis.

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