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Open today 11-17 (Restaurant 12-20)

Oslo Poesifilm

Festival for digital, visual and performance art
Saturday 27.08.22
299867764 454015213408437 5783191900772186531 n

Welcome to Oslo Poesifilm 2022 with digital poetry, sound art, videos, performances, talks and concerts.


18:00 Performance: Rike Scheffler (DE)

18:15 Conversation between Mette Moestrup (DK) and Rike Scheffler (DE) on poetry as a performance

18:30 Music: Juliana Venter (ZA)og Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (NO)

18:45 Break

19:00 Screening: Caroline Bergvall (NO/FR) Refugio (8:15), Heare (2:30) and Ásta Fanney (ISL) Uten tittel (5:00)

19:30 Readings: Kamilla Jørgensen (DK), Åse Eg-Jørgensen (DK), Jessie Kleemann (GRL), Caroline Bergvall (NO/FR)

20:00 Break

20:15 Performance: Ásta Fanney (ISL), Screenings: Katharina Wenty (AU) Colours within me (3:07) Nina Rapi (HE) Stay still so you don't hurt (8:57), Sigrun Höllrigl (AU) Nexus (11:05)

21:00 Music: Juliana Venter (ZA) and Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (NO)

21:15 Break

21:30 Performance: Elfi Sverdrup (NO)

21:40 Readings: Indiana Haraldsdatter Minde (NO), Aina Villanger (NO), Cherry Smyth UK/IE) Mette Moestrup (DK)

22:15 Break

22:30 Screenings: Una Lee (KR/UK) The Unbearable Intangibility of Sound 345 (4:07), Iris Colomb (UK) Deadlock (3:29), Amalie Smith (DK) Enter (08:00), Anja Strømsted Høvik, Flash

See also