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Habib Allah Foto Jasper Kettner 3

Did you see me with your own eyes?

Short film program & talk with Shadi Habib Allah
Wednesday 24.08.22

We are looking forward to being joined by artist and filmmaker Shadi Habib Allah for an exclusive screening and talk. We are screening two short works, 30kg Shine (2017) and Dag'aa (2015) followed by a conversation between Shadi and artist Sara Eliassen (in English).

Shadi Habib Allah works across film, sculpture, and installation. His films and sculptural structures draw on extensive fieldwork and on building long-time relationships to explore alternative social and economic movements that seem hidden within existing systems. The two films follow the traces of an old ghost story in Jerusalem and the movements of Bedouin smugglers in the Sinai Desert.


Dagaa 1
Filmstill: Dag’aa

In conversation

Shadi Habib Allah (b. 1977 in Jerusalem, Palestine) received his BFA from the Bezalel Academy in 2003 and an MFA from Columbia University in 2010. His work has amongst others been exhibited at the New Museum Triennial, the REN and the Hammer Museum amongst others. His films have been shown at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, the 15th edition of the Courtisane Festival, Hamburg Short Film Festival, The Norwegian Short Film Festival, and International Short Film Festival Oberhausen amongst others. He lives between Palestine and Berlin.

Sara Eliassen (b. 1977) is an artist, filmmaker and currently a PhD candidate in artistic research at Oslo National Academy of Arts - Academy of Fine Art. Eliassen’s films have played extensively at international film festivals, such as Venice Film Festival, International Film Festival Rotterdam and Sundance, and her practice also involves projects in public space; the artist initiated Not Worth It (2007) and Under The Park (2021), and The Feedback Loop (2018) with The Munch Museum in Oslo. Eliassen was a studio fellow at The Whitney Museum’s Independent Study Program in 2010/2011.

The event is organised in collaboration with Sara Eliassen. Shadi Habib Allah is also presented at this year's Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF), opening on September 3.

See also