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Open today 11-19 (Restaurant 11-22)

UKS ♥ Kunstnernes Hus

The Norwegian artist association Young Artists' Society (UKS) and Kunstnernes Hus have been closely linked throughout their history. On the occasion of UKS' 100th anniversary, which will be celebrated in the winter of 2021 with a large anniversary exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus, we take a look back at this fruitful collaboration.

UKS Vårutstilling Samliv1978

In the autumn of 1921, a group of artists gathered and founded the Young Artists' Society. For a whole century, UKS has shown experimental art and fought for the rights of young artists in Norway. Today, they are still one of the country's most important and influential artist associations.

The anniversary exhibition 100 YEARS OF CONVIVIALITY is presented in collaboration with Kunstnernes Hus, a place where UKS throughout its history has fought for its political causes and shown a number of exhibitions.

Here you will find a selection of exhibition posters over the years:

UKS35 Å R Bjarne Brunsvik Mars Apr1956
UKS jubileumsutstilling Mar Apr1957
Unge Kunstneres Samfund Vårutstilling juni1964
UKS Vårutstilling April1965
UKS Jun Juli1967
UKS vårutstilling Mai1969
Unge Kunstneres Samfunds Vårutstilling Apr Mai1970
UKS50år Mars Apr1971
UKS Vårutstilling Mars1972
UKS Vårutstilling April1974 2
UKS Vårutstillingmarsapr1976
UKS Vårutstilling Samliv1978
UKS Fotografisk Vårutstilling1980mai