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Open today 11-19 (Restaurant closed)

Gitte Dæhlin-work acquired by the National Museum

It is with great pleasure that we can announce that the National Museum has purchased the work She Who Carries the Memory of This Earth, Where Does This Earth Carry Her? (1981-1983) by Gitte Dæhlin.

The work was shown in the exhibition Actions of Art and Solidarity at Kunstnernes Hus (20.01.-21.03.2021), curated by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway.

2021 OCA Art and Solidarity DSF4301 HDR

Due to the pandemic, the exhibition period was shortened, so we are particularly pleased that audiences can be experience this work in the future as part of the national collection for contemporary art.

- Anne Hilde Neset, director

The sculpture is made of leather, textile and horsehair and presents a woman who carries an almost unbearable heavy load. It seems to place the woman, the indigenous people, the one who guards the country, who takes care of it and makes growth possible, in the center.

The visual artist Gitte Dæhlin (1956-2012) was best known for her sculptures made of textiles, leather, plant fibers, cardboard mesh and bronze. She was educated at Bournemouth & Poole College of Arts in England and the Western Art Academy, and lived from 1977 onwards in Mexico. In her life and work, Dæhlin created solidarity networks between Mexico and Norway, and across generations.

Curator Katya García-Antón tells you more about the work and the exhibition.