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Åpent i dag 11-19 (Restaurant 11-22)

Magic Mirror

The Dream that Kicks
Søndag 27.03.22
Magic Mirror 2 OMTALEBILDE

Kurator Greg Pope byr på et gjensyn med Sarah Pucills film Magic Mirror, som tar utgangspunkt i fotografen Claude Cahuns surrealistiske kunst. Filmen er et essayistisk filmdikt som omskaper Cahuns sort-hvitt-fotografier og tekster til en serie levende tablåer.

Om filmen

The film slowly evolves with precision and tension, the splitting of identity appears as a double which persists throughout; superimposition, shadow, imprints in sand, reflections in water, mirror and distorting glass. Three characters swapping identities between gender, age and the inanimate. Voices separate: different voices, which at times overlap, and at times are in conversation; these are extracts from Cahun’s book Aveux Non Avenus (Confessions Cut Off).

From act to act, each self-contained drama proceeds like series of Noh theatre pieces, the total effect is less that of a present action than of a simile or metaphor made visual, the full comprehension of which stays just out of reach.

The images and words remain echoing, reflecting and refracting in the mind long after the film has finished.

(Tekst av Greg Pope)

… the camera beat, the click of the shutter, runs into the rhythm of the sentence, the full stop. And so the motion of the camera pan turns into that of a sentence. She [Cahun] plays with the grammar of the image, with the camera and the word.

Sarah Pucill

Om visningen

The Dream That Kicks er Cinematekets visningskonsept for kunstfilm, avantgardefilm og videokunst, kuratert av Greg Pope – kunstner, foreleser på KHiO og tidligere Cinemateket-maskinist.

I forbindelse med at Filmens hus skal pusses opp, holdes Cinematekets kinosaler stengt store deler av 2022. Fra midten av mars vil de derfor ha forestillinger på Kunstnernes Hus Kino.

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