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JA as long as I can

Performance og kunstnersamtale med A K Dolven
Onsdag 24.11.21
AK Dolven J Aaslongas Ican Performanceat Rio Cinema Dalston 8500kb

I samarbeid med Cinemateket i Oslo og OSL contemporary presenterer vi JA as long as I can - en transatlantisk dialog og duett av A K Dolven og John Giorno. Verket har blitt fremført på blant andre Rio Cinema i London, Palais de Tokyo i Paris og Hebbel-Theater i Berlin.

Performancen (22 min) blir etterfulgt av en samtale på engelsk mellom A K Dolven og forfatter, kurator og radiojournalist Gaby Hartel.

TittelJA as long as I can
TypeLydinstallasjon på vinyl
StemmerJohn Giorno og A K Dolven
KuratorGaby Hartel
Lengde22 min
ProdusertNew York 2011/Edition Block

Gaby Hartel om verket

JA as long as I can is a transatlantic dialogue, a duet with A K Dolven and John Giorno as performers. Both utter and vary the word «ja», the Norwegian equivalent of «yes», for as long as their energy spans to give the word different shades of colour, of energy and meaning.

John Giorno (1936-2019) was an American poet and performance artist. He founded the not-for-profit production company Giorno Poetry Systems and organized a number of early multimedia poetry experiments and events, including Dial-A-Poem. He became prominent as the subject of Andy Warhol’s film Sleep (1963) and as a poet performing internationally. Giorno and Dolven did meet in Lofoten, Norway, summer 2011.

The work is an exploration into the quality of sound as a potent signifier of many things at the same time: of corporeal and temporal presence, of emotional as well as informational meaning, of the acute experience of spatial presence and absence, of harmony or dissent amongst human beings, as well as of the passage of time.

A K Dolven’s sound piece also invites reflection on the different ways to experience time and to think about time: different time levels are being explored here alongside with a reflection of how psychological processes structure time: exhaustion and fatigue, impatience, the will of expression, of filling and structuring the flow of air, of struggling for air.

As an artistic endeavour, JA as long as I can is also a study of the human voice as the oldest instrument and medium of mankind. Dolven’s sound piece poignantly shows that the human voice is, at the same time, markedly physical and highly ephemeral. Here sound literally travels in time and space: from Norway to the East coast of the USA, from a female European visual artist in her fifties to a male, North American spoken word artist in his seventies. Both performers stand for their respective cultural time, and both their voices are consequently tinged by time, by their differing gender, their respective upbringing, by a varying life experience as well as by their emotional proximity or distance to the Norwegian language.

In Dolven’s use of the single affirmative word «ja», she explores the material qualities of the male and the female vocal cords in motion, and the many different emotional hues these qualities can transmit to the listener. In letting these two unseen bodies physically interact with each other to the rhythm of the different lengths of breath it takes to utter the word «ja» with varying expressions, A K Dolven provokes the perceptual effect of watching movements of two shadows. This is, of course, reminiscent of her film work vertical on my own (2011).

But there are many other ways, in which this work binds together themes that A K Dolven has been developing over a long period of time: the formal, material, perceptual and emotional effects of artistic expression bordering on the immaterial, the unseen. Here, «soft» forms of expression are applied, such as bright and soft light, hazy whites, shadows, ambient sound, the sound of the human voice, movement, atmosphere, as well as the energies triggered by the interaction of humans with each other – be it in conversation, movement or, generally, in the manifestations of friendship. Dolven’s art has also been for a long time «performative», «participatory» and «site-specific» in a broader, more abstract and subtler sense of the word than it is mostly used in the art world.

Om kunstnerne

A K Dolven (f. 1953) bor og jobber i Oslo og Lofoten. Hennes kunstneriske praksis inkluderer maleri, foto, performance, installasjon, film og lyd. Representasjonen av naturkrefter og hvordan disse gjenspeiler seg i menneskets følelser er sentralt i hennes verk. Arbeidene beveger seg mellom det monumentale og det minimale, det universelle og det intime. Mellommenneskelige relasjoner og interaksjoner står i fokus i hennes praksis, og mange av hennes performance-baserte arbeider er lagt i samarbeid med andre.

A K Dolven har stilt ut på en rekke internasjonale institusjoner, inkludert: Kunsthalle Bern; Philadephia Museum of Art; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; IKON Gallery, Birmingham; Platform China, Beijing; The National Museum of Art, Oslo; KIASMA, Helsinki; CCC Tours, France og Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.

John Giorno (1936-2019) var en amerikansk billedkunstner og poet. Han spilte hovedrollen i Andy Warhols film Sleep, men var mest kjent for sin innsats for å bringe poesi inn i moderne tid. Han var en av kunstnerne i gruppeutstillingen Seeable/Sayable på Kunstnernes Hus i 2016.

Gaby Hartel (f. 1961) er kurator, oversetter og prisvinnende radiojournalist bosatt i Berlin. Gaby underviser i lydkunst og lydteori ved Arts University Linz, Østerrike, og hun skal kuratere den tyske versjonen av John Giornos telefonkunstverk DIAL-A-POEM fra 1968.

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